About Us
Every individual is born to excel and maximize his potential. However, sometimes, life experiences don’t allow us to function efficiently. This may lead to distress & dysfunction across various spheres such as Academics, Relationships or even Work-Life. And at this juncture, to seek help is no harm. A good psychological support-system can help us get back to normal by providing different approaches towards tackling the problem and uncovering our latent skills & qualities. And this is what we do.
Conceptualised in 2015, we are a Pune-based Organisation that provides services in the areas of Psychometric Assessment, Counselling, Therapy, Academic Guidance & Training. We are a team of certified professionals with expertise in Clinical, Counselling & Industrial Psychology

Our Vision and Mission
To enable Individuals & Organisations to grow, adapt to new thought patterns and develop relevant skillsets by providing solutions in the areas of Psychometric Assessment, Counselling, Academic Guidance and Training.
Why Psychometric Assessment & Counselling

Self Knowledge

Evaluation & Planning Guidance Programs
To evaluate skillsets & behaviour patterns, in order to better design educational & vocational programs

Psychological Well-Being
Our Journey So Far
We have been associated with more than 50 Schools and Institutes of Higher Education in and around Pune for below services
Ability assessment and career counselling of 10000+ students
Workshops on effective parenting for 12000+ parents
Workshops on personality development, confidence building, problem-solving, effective study habits for 7500+ students
Individual counselling for more than 10000 students
Psychometric assessment for more than 1000 teachers
Workshops on Corporate Readiness and Business Etiquette for 3000+ students
Career counselling and ability testing for 6000+ Students
Orientation sessions on Goal Setting, Time Management, Self-awareness & Development for 5000+ students
Aptitude Screening and Personality Assessment for 6000+ freshers
Managerial Effectiveness Assessment for 3000+ leaders
Individual Mentoring based on Psychometric Evaluation for 2000+ employees
Seminars and Workshops addressing Work-Life Balance, Individual Effectiveness, Emotional Well-being, Effective Parenting for 3000+ employees
Online Counselling Support for employees through our dedicated Counselling Help-desks
Individual Clients
5000+ sessions with Individual Clients for Premarital & Post marital Counselling, Personal Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Family Therapy
Our Team

Anuja Kulkarni
Co-Founder and Director

Anushree Gosavi
Senior Counsellor

Bhagyashree Warke
Senior Counsellor

Vedangi Kulkarni
Senior Counsellor

Trupti Damle