Counselling and Guidance
Personal Counselling
Counselling is enabling and empowering a person to overcome the difficulty that lead him to seek assistance in the first place. It not only helps an individual to deal with his problems, but also enables him to cope and adapt to his life situations effectively.
Personal Counselling can benefit in following ways:
- Improving well being
- Alleviating distress and maladjustment
- Enhancing self confidence and resilience
- Improving ability to fully function in personal and professional life

Pre and Post Marital Counselling:
Marital counselling is offered to couples to restore understanding and harmony in their relationship. Premarital counselling focuses on readiness for a long term companionship and identification of probable red flags in relationships. In post marital counselling, counsellor facilitates the process to understand probable causes of discord and makes the couple aware of their individual roles.
Pre and Post Marital Counselling can facilitate:
- Better understanding towards each other
- Reduction of interpersonal conflicts and seeking of intrapersonal growth
- Feeling of oneness without losing individual worth
- Harmonious as well as rational living

Family Counselling
Family plays a crucial role in every individual’s life; it helps in inculcating values, attitudes, coping abilities and social norms. During Family Counselling or Family Therapy, the counsellor typically focuses on areas such as decision making, communication patterns, resolving frozen grudges, appropriate role distribution, evaluation of value system and parenting styles

Pre & Post Natal Counselling
Becoming a parent is a life-changing event for both- would-be-mother and would-be-father. Changes in daily routine, uneven sleep-cycles, increased interdependence on each other- all of these can become overwhelming at times.
Our pre- and post-natal counselling program helps create awareness about physiological and psychological changes the mother can expect, upcoming transitions which the parents would be going through, role of father as a companion & importance of building sustainable support system. It also throws light on early parenting techniques such as sleep scheduling, building food tolerance, managing ‘me’ time for new mother, building fitness and resilience for parents.

Effective Parenting Techniques
Our program for effective parenting focusses on creating awareness and educating parents on various parenting related topics such as:
- Dimensions of effective parenting
Effective communication with children - Dealing with tantrums
- Meaning of the term ‘discipline’ and how to inculcate it
- Teaching children difference between “Good Touch” and “Bad Touch”

Marital Compatibility Assessments
Marital readiness and compatibility assessments help individuals analyse their own readiness for a long term companionship. These assessments focus on evaluating communication patterns, flexibility, mutual respect & ability to handle interpersonal conflicts. Objective knowledge about such personality competencies and behaviour patterns helps to gain awareness about what could be a suitable match. This in turn helps establish long-term, enriching marital relationships